Each artist was invited to participate by offering an artwork of their choice that has been created no earlier than 2019. In doing so, the exhibition spotlights and celebrates the work of women artists that have been created during the recent turbulent times.
100% of the Hammer Price will go to the artist and the gallery that represents them.
In addition, 3% (of the Hammer Price) will be deducted from the Buyer’s Premium and paid out to ‘UN Women’, the United Nations organisation that is the largest women’s charity in the world and delivers programmes, policies and standards that uphold women's human rights.
'Whilst compiling a list of the contemporary artists I most admire today, I realized that the vast majority of them are women. In recent years the art market and the art world, more generally, have finally begun to correct the chronic under appreciation of the seminal contributions made by women artists. The red-hot demand for young women artists at auction is precisely the motivation behind this new initiative. These newly set record prices have benefitted the collectors who had been lucky enough to buy those works on the primary market and are now cashing in. Our approach with this new series is to cut out this speculation and to have the artists, as well as the dealers who champion their work, be the main financial beneficiaries.' - Simon de Pury